Past participle (irregular) : 01a

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Wichtiger Hinweis !Wähle jeweils den richtigen Begriff aus.

  1. be
  2. break
  3. bring
  4. build
  5. buy
  6. come
  7. do
  8. drink
  9. drive
  10. eat
  11. fall
  12. find
  13. fly
  14. forget
  15. get
  16. give
  17. go
  18. have
  19. hear
  20. keep
  21. know
  22. leave
  23. make
  24. meet
  25. read
  26. ride
  27. ring
  28. say
  29. see
  30. sleep
  31. speak
  32. stand
  33. steal
  34. swim
  35. take
  36. tell
  37. think
  38. win
  39. write

have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
have, has
Past participle

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